The Project & the Bigger Picture

This year CADFHS has launched a new Project. This project is in conjunction with and part of the larger project of Christ Church and Chesterfield’s St Helens & District Local History Society. So assisting the Christ Church Paupers Research part of their Project. This is around the Chesterfield Union Workhouse and Chesterfield’s and Paupers of the Area’s it supported. But our members are encouraged to look at the whole of this wonderful and worthwhile project. So…...

The Bigger Picture

Research about the Paupers burials at Christ Church and Holy Trinity number some 1650 named individuals. The main project funded through National Heritage Lottery Funding has supported the research of individuals and perhaps linking them with families that are around the district today to find out more about the circumstances why they ended up there. Local schools will also participation once the current situation eases. However we are also looking to record the natural heritage of Christ Church and will be looking to develop more on this.